How you can put Sri Aurobindo's integral vision into contemporary language (why is this done so rarely, and so often people writing about Sri Aurobindo sound like they're in the 1920s!!?
How you can see through the limitations (as in the examples with both Bohm and Goethe) of philosophies and sciences that purport to be integral or interconnected yet only glimpse one or perhaps a few planes of existence?
I'm impressed by a number of things:
How you can put Sri Aurobindo's integral vision into contemporary language (why is this done so rarely, and so often people writing about Sri Aurobindo sound like they're in the 1920s!!?
How you can see through the limitations (as in the examples with both Bohm and Goethe) of philosophies and sciences that purport to be integral or interconnected yet only glimpse one or perhaps a few planes of existence?
Very well done.
Thank you.
The problem is that people want to be integral AND "parsimonious" at the same time. It is self-censorship. 😄