Aug 7, 2023Liked by Marco Masi

You quite perfectly summed up the essence of the confusion right here (and I love the addition of the peek a boo analogy)

in the equations of science, quantum mechanics, general relativity, the periodic table, and in genes there appears to be no consciousness only because we extracted it from the outset by making this metaphysical assumption. Science is almost per definition the intellectual activity that first extracted anything conscious by lowering everything down to human abstractions. It makes no sense to use the very same science to investigate something that it refused to acknowledge beforehand, and then wonder what miracle makes the thing we brushed aside reappear seemingly out of nothing. It is like a toddler, still in the "peek-a-boo" phase, that hides an object and then is upset that it has vanished until mom or dad makes it miraculously pop back into existence.

So maybe that means this parrot is smarter than Koch?


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The parrot is hilarious.... and interesting at the same time. The mirror test was once taken as a test for self-awareness and obviously, we believed that only we, and at best chimpanzees and dolphins, possess it. We now know that even some species of fish recognize themselves in a mirror. But I don't have strong opinions about what that really means.

Whereas, about Koch.... well yes, we might scoff at him as a physicalist. But, I believe he is nevertheless one of those who are most open-minded. He is not of the dogmatic kind. I never met him but believe that one could have a stimulating conversation with him. I would even not be surprised in seeing him change sides one day.

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